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Date Planning

Salvage A Date That’s Gone incorrect

What’s the distinction between a beneficial dater and a terrible dater? It really is about the prep work and idea. You are now most likely asking yourself, “Am I a dater or am we an awful dater?” Well, that depends.

Every time that We have actually ever eliminated on we start thinking about as a day. It does not matter whether or not it was actually terrible or if perhaps there was clearly no hookup, because with every time you discover more about that which you really would like, what you’re interested in as well as the kind of lady you intend where to meet a married woman for an affair be with.

Dating is a lot like a soccer video game. Should you view the NFL playoffs, the teams which happen to be prepared more often than not win. The teams being pressing too much go into the next one-fourth, as well as hell breaks loose.

A night out together is precisely alike. Every day is just a way to learn someone. Nevertheless the second you begin to fantasize concerning the go out, the second you set about to imagine that the is the greatest big date you had, you start to push, you can get anxious while go fully into the fourth one-fourth with a truly bad game plan (or no strategy anyway). You’re not hearing up to you ought to. You aren’t responding from what she says. You’re not holding the girl should you feel like holding the girl because you’re as part of your very own mind.

You’re becoming that NFL quarterback just who gets into a-game all nervous because he learn about another group’s tenacious defense into the papers. Then chances are you move to the video game and throw an interception from the first passing play. And the remaining portion of the game you click and push and press. Now you’re at the conclusion of the online game (the conclusion the go out), and also you feel like you have got to take action to save it.

Here’s the offer: if you are in big date Hail Mary setting, you’re done. Any time you begin pressing at the end of the date, you are accomplished because she is been checking out your stressed fuel the whole day. She’s already been feeling you out of the entire time and this woman isn’t acquiring the connection that she needs.

There’s one strategy to save a romantic date, and that is not to throw the Hail Mary. What’s the completely wrong big date Hail Mary? It really is choosing that hug, jamming your tongue down her neck and basically believing thatwill fall. You’re that guy who believes a kiss will make all the difference in the arena.

Here is the offer: a kiss does not make any difference in this field. Which is not the big date Hail Mary. The actual only real date Hail Mary you previously should do when the time is certainly not going appropriate will be check the girl in vision and say, “Hey, I had enjoyable. We have to do that again. Let’s venture out Monday evening.”

You ought to shut her at the end of the most important date. If you do not accomplish that and you also get the hug instead, then chances are you performed not the right near. What’s going to occur would be that she’s going to go back home and want to herself, “WTF? What simply took place? This guy was actually throughout the industry. The guy tossed interceptions all game. I do not realize.”

She’s going to begin breaking it down together buddies. Dudes, whenever that takes place, you are accomplished. The only way to conserve a romantic date you think has gone incorrect would be to ask this lady on at the end of the big date and take action with full confidence. You should not beat your self upwards! Perhaps go right to the restroom, confer with your associate advisor (the bathroom .) and state, “Hello, Mr. Urinal. I absolutely screwed up on this subject go out. I was therefore nervous I found myselfn’t myself.”

Want to your self at the time, and then try to remember anything she mentioned that ended up being enjoyable or something that she’d like to carry out. Perhaps she spoken of visiting the enjoyment playground. Possibly she spoken of a restaurant she actually is not ever been to. Possibly she spoken of exactly how this lady hasn’t already been rollerblading across the coastline in some time.

As soon as you decrease the woman off or whenever you state goodbye after, look at the girl and state, “Hey, do you know what? You’d a great idea about looking into that bistro that just established. You and i have to do this. Let’s get Saturday!” Say it with interest, and really imply it.

That is the time Hail Mary. Which is the way you conserve a romantic date that’s eliminated completely wrong. You can never ever do so in the exact middle of a date because you’re too anxious. You always know by the end of the big date if or not you have blown it. Therefore listed here is ways to save your self and to provide the lady a chance never to think about the trick you simply were and all of the interceptions you only put.

Proceso valorativo

*La autoevaluación

Es la reflexión y regulación autocrítica que permite que el estudiante autodefina sus metas y logros de aprendizaje; esta evaluación busca que la autoformación se consolide desde una perspectiva ética de valores.

*La coevaluación

Apunta a la participacion colectiva y comunitaria en la valoración de los procesos formativos y aprendizajes generados, se articula con la colaboración y trabjao grupal al interior de los Ed o el Doigdag en las comunidades.

*La heteroevaluación

Se realiza desde los diferentes agentes educativos sobre los procesos contextuales, formativos y funcionales para el logro de los alcances de la educación Wounaan.


El plan de estudios se estructura por doigdag, o niveles en el curso de vida. En el plan de estudios se consideran siete (7) doigdag, cada uno con una duración de dos años. Cada uno de ellos comprende cuatro(4) períodos de seis (6) meses denominado Ed, o fases de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En los doigdag se abordan los diferentes ejes temáticos que articulan los conocimientos propios y los conocimientos ajenos, mediante asignaturas-temáticas cuyos contenidos y subtemas se abordan por Ed. De tal forma y en correspondencia con el ciclo de vida wounaan, se indica el progresión del aprendizaje.

Ciclos del Doigdag

En lo cultural, el doigdag es el nivel de conocimiento y cambio de vida en el tiempo actual de un sujeto wounaan. el doigdag simboliza la pintura facial y corporal en las ceremonias espirituales y festividades y representa el recorrido por el cambio de vida para llegar a Ewandam durr.

Los doigdag también incluyen los grados de la educaciòn oficial por dos años, con lo que se obtiene secuencialmente, continuidad y promociòn entre las asignaturas-temáticas y los contenidos de un grado a otro del mismo nivel. 

Ejes Temáticos

La educaciòn del Wounaan, tiene la intencionalidad política de formar a niños, niñas y jóvenes como sujetos comprendidos con su comunidad. En esa medida, los procesos educativos se centran en el fortalecimiento de la identidad y de la cultura propia.
La tierra es mucho màs que el lugar donde se vive, es nuestra madre, Machh Durr, la que nos da vida; por eso nos ebemos a ella y nuestro compromiso es conservarla y cuidarla
En los procesos educativos Wounaan es una prioridad que nuestros niños, niñas y jóvenes se formen en el reconocimiento y capacidad de gestiòn para la protecciòn de sus derechos.


La base de este Eje es la paropiaciòn y fortalecimiento de la lengua propia y el aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua.
Nuestros jóvenes necesitan aprender conocimientos que les sean útiles para sobrevivir en nuestro medio, como pueden ser pescar, recolectar alimentos o tejer la cestería.

Esferas del conocimiento

Para nosotros el conocimiento no es la informaciòn en si, sino que son los sentidos, es el estimulo, la motivaciòn y el ejercicio de nuestra capacidad para escuchar, observar, hacer, crear y re-crear.
En ese sentido, el curriculo lo concebimos como un lugar de movilizaciòn del conocimiento y sus campos de la cultura propia y la interculturalidad, de la educaciòn y la escuela, de la pedagogia y la didactica.
Este propicia el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto mediante la escucha, la observaciòn y el hacer en la práctica comunitaria y pedagógica.